Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Weekend

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
It was great having Korey home an extra day.

Here's a rundown of the fun stuff we did:
Saturday we went to a bbq at friends in Nottingham. Great time and great company. I also finished planting my garden! Cukes, zukes, yellow zukes, scallions, cauliflower, broccoli, watermelon, green beans, peas, tomatoes. Maybe that is it? I can't remember!

Sunday I went to scrap store with a friend and only spent $4 but got $24 of having gift certificates! Korey mowed down the hay, I mean grass, that we had growing in our yard. We are no longer hillbillies...but we do still have the duct-taped mailbox. Can't do everything to relinquish our Redneck status!

Monday I took the boys to Emery Farm for a playdate with their friends and then I went to Jordan's again where I finally decided on the head/footboard for our bed. I *hope* we will get the bed and boards on Thursday but at least the bed should come! I can't wait to wave goodbye to our bed!

On another note, I think Sleepy's is a sleazy place to look for mattresses; they lied to me at least twice. GRRR. I went in there to just see comparable beds to the one I bought from Jordan's and I am glad we bought from Jordan's.

That's about it! Keep your fingers crossed that Korey closes lots of deals this week. It's the last month of their fiscal year so we don't expect to see Korey much this week. Perhaps we will have supper with him at Rainforest Cafe this week!

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