Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby Likey....

Baby3 likey Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream :)

I started a 'You know you live in Nottingham' list over at facebook....if you don't have an account there, get one!!! it's so fun but if you don't want one and want to see the funny list that neighbors help me put together, let me know and I will post here! And you can post your own Nottingham additions in the comments here and I will add them to the master list. It was a fun project today ;)


Keena said...

Haha, I thought both my boys would be Cadbury Mini Eggs!!! Luckily they're not but sometime I catch a faint whiff of the yummy chocolate goodness....

BTW, your list is HILARIOUS!!:)

Sarah said...

Yum, that sounds good. My Baby #2 seems to just like food - a lot of it. I ate 4 pieces of pizza the other day for lunch and felt like I hadn't eaten anything!

Anonymous said...

I want to see why people like to live in Nottingham.