Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nothing a little coyote piss can't cure....

Well well well you must expect a good story with a title like that! I hope this fills that need for you!

Once upon a time (about 2.5 years ago in September) a nice girl who lives in Nottingham dug holes for her tulip bulbs and planted them around her beautiful lilac tree. She was very excited to see them grow that following spring as she loves tulips.

They did grow over the years and she was once again excited to see them grow this year. And they were growing and expected to bloom this week.

However, when she went outside to look today, they were GONE....EATEN down to the ground. The pretty deer that the girl liked so much had EATEN her TULIPS.

Luckily for the deer, they missed a few of the tulips and the girl still has about 12 more in various other spots...and she plans to protect she went down to her local hardware/everything else store in her town and guessed it....coyote urine.

And hopefully the girl will see her remaining tulips bloom and the deer will find tasty delectables somewhere else.

However, the girl's doggy isn't going to like the new smell in the front yard!!! And oh boy, the girl didn't like the smell either!

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