Monday, February 9, 2009

Glucose Test, Take 2

I drank my icky orange drink today to do my glucose test that was rescheduled from earlier this week when I was sick....
I went to the dr's office and they didnt take my blood which was odd. I asked twice, left what they said and the boys and I went to gym place.

I called the dr's office back after talking to some friends and they all had blood taken. HMMM...

Yup, I was right...blood was supposed to be taken, it was too late by the time I called and now I have to redo the test later this week.

Another icky orange drink on Friday! GREAT!


Meg said...

Does your doctor have zombies working there or what?! You aren't supposed to have that nasty orange stuff without them drawing blood! Why waste that fasting and orange stuff otherwise? Do they LIKE making pregnant ladies feel faint from lack of food??

Mom of 3 Boys said...

luckily i could have some toast!

anordinarylife said...

Oh gosh, that's awful. It wasn't bad enough the first time, eh?

Sarah said...

Oh yuck! I'm having my glucose test this week and will make sure they don't mess it up. They told me I could eat anything without sugar, like eggs, before the test, fyi if you don't want to skip breakfast again!

H said...

Oh poor you...can't believe that they told you they didn't need to take blood!

If I recall correctly, they're supposed to draw before the drink and after...aren't they?

Sorry you have to do the drink again :(