Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bed Bath & Beyond Fraud

We get gift cards from Discover Cashback and one of the options is to get them to Bed Bath and Beyond...this came in handy because we needed a new bathroom rug (remember Patrick dumped nail polish on the last one!). So Korey bought one last week but it was the wrong color so we were exchanging that on Saturday after swim and gym classes for the boys.

There was a difference between the one being exchanged and the replacement so we had to get store credit, which I hate getting but I figured Korey could go there this week at lunch.....

He did today--Tuesday--and they said the credit was already used! Now we had the credit in our possession and you can't use it online so I still wonder how someone else could use it. While Korey was at the store disputing the 'used' credit, he found out that it had been used in NJ the same day we were issued it!

Really weird....they did finally allow Korey to use the credit (phew!) but now I know yet another reason (in addition to the 'lost' factor) that I don't want 'store credit'

(Still wondering how this was done and perhaps there are some fraudulent employees....just saying!!!!)


LeeAnn said...

Hmmmmmm I know here for store credit they give you a little card or a receit saying what the credit is.. Oh brother I love store credit.. Thank you for letting me know now Im going to be extra cautious. OH MY GOD.. Hurry up and today be over so all these news crews and obama yo momma and hillarious rotten will get out of here! POLITIANS BE GONE

Cassie said...

i'm always weary about store credit. you're lucky they still gave it to you, even though it wasn't your fault.

Cassie said...

i'm always weary about store credit. you're lucky they still gave it to you, even though it wasn't your fault.

Sarah said...

that sucks, lorraine - I am glad K was still allowed to use it!

Meg said...

Someone used YOUR store credit in New Jersey??? Oh man, that sucks!
I'm glad they let Korey use it though, despite the rip-off artist in their midst!!