Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Our Adventure Today....

So....I left Patrick in my room for all of a few minutes while I made sure AJ was fine watching TV in great room....I come back to see he has found all the meds in the bathroom. Normally this door is shut.

Of course he managed to find the ONE container of advil that has the 'easy top' which he got open. I found one half of a pill stuck to his shirt.

A call to Poison Control suggested I go to ER even though I didn't think he ate 12 (the 'magic' toxic number for his size). ER suggested us just wait there and see instead of making Patrick ingest charcoal (and thus vomit). So we waited and waited and waited....

and then got sent home. No worse for the wear but our lunch plans are postponed again!

Ahh, first trips to ER are always so special!


Mary S. said...

wow, that would have scared me half to death! thank god he didn't get a chance to eat any!

Meg said...

Oh how scary!!! I'm glad he didn't have to have the charcoal treatment!!!


Cassie said...

So scary! Glad that it turned out well.