Monday, September 17, 2007

Thomas the Train....

Our trip to Edaville to see Thomas the Train...was a comedy of disasters....

We picked up Evrett (the boys' cousin). The plan was that AJ and E were going to share a room that night. Korey and I didn't realize that the boys would want to stay up ALL night and talk. Finally we had to take AJ out of the room so he would fall asleep (it appeared he was the chattier one) and move him back when he was asleep.

As you can imagine the kids were tired the next day....

BUT that is the worse thing to happen...around 1pm Patrick is crying and Korey got him to go back to sleep but around 3, P was crying so much we took him into our bed...10 minutes or so later, lights out, P vomits EVERYWHERE. At 3am, we are changing P, the sheets, pillow cases and contemplating what to do for Friday Thomas visit. Finally we get P to go back to sleep and he seems fine.

Obviously we end up going but we had thought about me just taking the boys...if you know me, you know that that would have been a disaster--getting lost, having only 4 hours of sleep and taking care of 2 boys!

We were nearing the end of our trip at Thomas when AJ literally shit his pants....and normally I would say something like 'he pooped'....but this time really warrants my original statement. So while AJ was in only a diaper, we decided to pack it up and leave!
The boys were sound asleep on the way home...E's head was rolling from side to side, front to back trying to find a good spot. It was hilarious to watch; finally he was slumped over to the side which looked horrifically uncomfortable!
In the end, our day was fun at Thomas but not very many smiles from AJ but I think they all had fun. AJ loves to follow E around (he is 5). I will try to fool with the pic is coming up blank screen b/c it is a scanned pic. weird. maybe that is so people cant make copies of it?!?!


Stacey said...

I think it is so cute that AJ wanted to stay up all night and talk. They grow up so fast!

Dianna said...

OH, sounds like a fab trip! Definitely not complete without poop AND vomit, lol!

Katie said...

that was funny!!! love the shit comment! LOL

Mary S. said...

must be a family thing but i loved it too!haha! we've all been there and i agree there is a difference between pooping and shitting yourself! you are a nut!lol!

LeeAnn said...

wow poop And VOMIT.. YUMMY..... Glad you werent on a delta flight!